
Mozambique: Gold output likely to grow this year

Mozambique’s Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Ernesto Max Tonela, says that gold output in Mozambique is set to grow, with the entry into operation of two new gold extraction units in the provinces of Manica and Zambézia.

Minister Tonella says that the government intends to make mineral resources one of the main contributors to the industrialisation and economic development of the country.

For Max Tonela, securing more investment and greater participation of the private sector in mining is a priority.

Mozambique: Gold output likely to grow this year , “In the first half of this year, we registered an increase of around 27%, and we expect to see further growth for the year 2021. We continue to work at attracting more national and foreign investment, to better use the country’s resources,” he said.

The minister also noted that measures to curb smuggling in the mining sector are being implemented.

Source : Rádio Moçambique


  • Solo Pine
    September 17, 2019 at 4:10 am

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    • Solo Pine
      September 17, 2019 at 4:10 am

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