
Sofala: 60 artisanal mining areas mapped – report

At least 60 areas of artisanal mining activity have been mapped in the central province of Sofala, a startling discovery by the local authorities made in the course of the first census of artisanal mining in the province.

The 60 sites identified as being predominant in artisanal mining activity in Sofala are located in seven districts, namely Beira, Búzi, Caia, Gorongosa Marínguè, Marromeu, and Nhamatanda, coincidentally the place where the 30-day census will take place.

Speaking in Beira on Monday at the start of the census agents’ training course, Secretary of State for Sofala Stella Zeca explained that the process aimed to contribute to the reduction of illegal mining and its negative impact on the environment.

The census, it is hoped, will also reveal the structure and character of artisanal mining in Sofala and in the country in general.

Source: Autarca


  • Solo Pine
    October 13, 2019 at 8:10 pm

    Did you come here for something in particular or just general Riker-bashing? And blowing into maximum warp speed, you appeared for an instant to be in two places at once.

    • Solo Pine
      October 13, 2019 at 8:10 pm

      But I wanna talk about the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf. Could someone survive inside a transporter buffer for 75 years? Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named “Enterprise.”

  • Solo Pine
    October 13, 2019 at 8:11 pm

    We know you’re dealing in stolen ore. Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named “Enterprise.”


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