
Mozambique export of diamonds

Mozambique export of diamonds refining the details to meet requirements for diamonds produced in the country.

Speaking to Noticias, the director of the National Institute of Mines (INAMI), Adriano Sénvano, noted that the entire legislative process for the production, marketing and export of diamonds had already been approved.

“In addition to diamonds, this legislation includes precious metals and gemstones. The ‘Kimberley Process Management Unit’ has also been created,” Sénvano explained.

According to the director of INAMI, two diamond trade warehouses will be set up, one in Maputo and one in Nacala, while the executive secretary of the Kimberley Process Management Unit has already been approved.

The management of the commercial warehouses will be the responsibility of the Mozambican Mining Company (EMEM].

“At this point we are in the process of approving the operating regulations of these warehouses and we are also approving the staff for the Kimberley process unit. So, there is already some breakthrough – and in this process, we can’t move forward without these requirements being satisfied,” Sênvano said.

Once the requirements are in place, an international team will check conditions and say whether or not Mozambique is able to go ahead and export diamonds.

“I don’t believe there’s much left to do. The key issue was to create all the conditions, but what remains now is to get the last details right and move the process forward,” Senvano reiterates.

Without giving specific figures, the director of INAMI said there was still demand for diamond prospecting licenses in Mozambique.

So far, the occurrence of diamonds has been confirmed in the Massangena district of Gaza province, but the entire Save Valley is believed to be likely to have some diamond deposits.

Source: Noticias

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